About the Artist

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Where do you find inspiration?
I find inspiration all around me. If I’m thumbing through a magazine and see a piece of furniture in a cool shape, it will immediately bring to mind a dog breed that might go with it perfectly in a garden setting.
Years ago I was reading “Pillars of the Earth” by Ken Follett and had thoughts of knights, castles and medieval architecture running through my mind. We had recently purchased my sweet Onyx – a draft cross horse and this design appeared. My son recommended a carrot as a lance for this jousting bunny. So much fun and still a customer favorite.
As far as artistic inspiration, I love the work of Sara Midda, Beatrix Potter, Norman Thelwell and Holly Hobbie's "Toot & Puddle" series! "The Artist's Way" by Julian Cameron was fundamental in finding my artistic voice.
Do you grow live topiary?
Yes, I do! Currently I tend to Maurice and Geraldine (the ducks) and Rocco the Rooster who all began as tiny unclipped boxwood from a local nursery.
I would love to have a whole menagerie - giraffes in a fruit orchard and sheep grazing on the lawn are on my “to plant” list.
I grow rosemary topiaries in the Potager and have grown numerous tabletop topiaries over the years with varied success including; myrtle, euynomous, lavender, cypress and rosemary.
Do you have a retail store?
Not at this time. I sell online and personally at shows. The Philadelphia Flower Show and the Newport Flower Show are on my list for 2024!
The Hedges & Hares gypsy wagon farmstand is a fanciful little outlet for fresh produce, clearance items and other fun goodies throughout the summer.
What's the deal with the gypsy wagon?
Great question! You'll have to click here to find out. ; )
"I have a garden of my own... Shining flowers of every hue, I loved it dearly while alone, But I shall love it more with you." Thomas More, 1835